






この記事の元になったのが、Nature誌に掲載されている論文だ。AD(アルツハイマー病)に関する彼の論文はいくつかあるが、この記事が紹介しているのは、最新の論文(以下)と思われる。上の記事に「英科学誌ネイチャーで17日発表予定」とあるので、Published online 16 March 2016と記されているこの論文がそれのようだ。

以下、Nature誌からサマリーのみだが引用して見ておきたい。利根川教授がlast authorとなっているので、彼の指導の下でなされた研究ということになる。主に手を動かしたのがfirst authorであるDheeraj S. Royという名の研究員だ。

Memory retrieval by activating engram cells in mouse models of early Alzheimer’s disease

Dheeraj S. Roy,
Autumn Arons,
Teryn I. Mitchell,
Michele Pignatelli,
Tomás J. Ryan
& Susumu Tonegawa

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive memory decline and subsequent loss of broader cognitive functions1. Memory decline in the early stages of AD is mostly limited to episodic memory, for which the hippocampus has a crucial role2. However, it has been uncertain whether the observed amnesia in the early stages of AD is due to disrupted encoding and consolidation of episodic information, or an impairment in the retrieval of stored memory information. Here we show that in transgenic mouse models of early AD, direct optogenetic activation of hippocampal memory engram cells results in memory retrieval despite the fact that these mice are amnesic in long-term memory tests when natural recall cues are used, revealing a retrieval, rather than a storage impairment. Before amyloid plaque deposition, the amnesia in these mice is age-dependent3, 4, 5, which correlates with a progressive reduction in spine density of hippocampal dentate gyrus engram cells. We show that optogenetic induction of long-term potentiation at perforant path synapses of dentate gyrus engram cells restores both spine density and long-term memory. We also demonstrate that an ablation of dentate gyrus engram cells containing restored spine density prevents the rescue of long-term memory. Thus, selective rescue of spine density in engram cells may lead to an effective strategy for treating memory loss in the early stages of AD.





カテゴリー: 最新医学知識 パーマリンク