iMuSCs, #8

The existence of pluripotent-like cells in adult tissues has been a matter of debate for years, since inconsistent results have been reported by various groups9,10,11,12,13,14,15; however, no study thus far has proven that such pluripotent stem cells can arise from differentiated somatic tissues. In this study we reveal that cellular reprogramming can be initiated by the strong stimuli that occurs when skeletal muscle is injured; thus, we were able to isolate reprogrammed iMuSCs from the injured skeletal muscle.

Collectively, our findings demonstrate that iMuSCs represent a unique, very sensitive population of cells that possess characteristics (morphology, size, and a gene expression profiles) that differs from all cell types studied so far. IMuSCs not only display several characteristics typical of ESCs (e.g. a large nucleus surrounded by a narrow rim of cytoplasm, high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, open chromatin, unstructured nucleoplasm, and diploid number of chromosomes) (Table 1), but also express several pluripotency marker genes while maintaining a high expression level of myogenic genes. Moreover, the most remarkable discovery of this study was that iMuSCs fulfilled several in vitro and in vivo criteria for pluripotency; however, we could not obtain iMuSCs with germline transmission after blastocyst microinjection. This may be due to the fact that iMuSCs have a lower gene expression profile of the pluripotency markers (e.g., Oct4, Nanog,and Sox2) and lack Esg1 and Dax1 expression when compared to ESCs. It is also plausible that the relatively high expression of Blimp1, Fragilisand myogenic marker genes by the iMuSCs may contribute to this observation. These results indicate that iMuSCs do not regress completely to pluripotency and possibly hold an epigenetic memory of their myogenic tissue origin. Further manipulation of the iMuSCs, such as the inhibition of DNA methylases or Nanog overexpression, could potentially push the iMuSCs to achieve full pluripotency.

Thus, the key conclusion from our study is that changes in microenvironmental factors, such as skeletal muscle with injuries, can partially reprogram terminally differentiated myogenic cells into a pluripotent-like state.


すなわち、我々の研究によって、iMuSCsは、これまで報告された細胞のタイプとは異なる、大変ユニークかつ特徴的な細胞集団(形態学、細胞のサイズ、遺伝子発現状況の点から)であることが示された。また、iMuSCsはES細胞に特有な特徴をいくつか有するだけでなく(例えば、狭小細胞質に囲まれた大きな核、高い核細胞質比、解放染色質、無構造の核質、倍加染色体数)(テーブル1)、高い筋源性遺伝子発現を維持しつつ、多能性マーカー遺伝子をも発現していることが分かった。さらに、我々の研究の中で最も重要な発見は、iMuSCsが、in vitro、 in vivoいずれにおいても、多能性であるための条件を満たしているという点である。しかしながら、胚盤胞マイクロインジェクション後、生殖細胞移入iMuSCsを得ることができなかった。この理由は、恐らくiMuSCsが多能性マーカーの遺伝子発現率が低いこと(例えば、Oct4、Nanog、Sox2)や、ES細胞と比較すると、Esg1やDax1が発現されていないことが関与しているのではないかと思われる。また、iMuSCsにおけるBlimp1、Fragilis及び筋源性マーカー遺伝子の高い発現率も影響しているのかもしれない。以上の結果は、iMuSCsは多能性へと完全に後退した細胞集団ではなく、筋源性組織由来のエピゲネティック記憶をも有していることを示す。DNAメチラーゼの抑制、或いはNanogの過剰発現といったiMuSCsの細胞内操作が、完全多能性を有するiMuSCsを作成するために有用な手段である可能性がある。


Table 1: Shared characteristics and differences between ESCs and iMuSCs.
In vitro criteria Mouse ESCs iMuSCs
can grow as single cells in monolayer can grow as single cells in monolayer
Visco-elastic properties viscous, which is changing during differentiation ?
Self-renewal yes yes
Cell surface marker expression SSEA-1, c-kit, LIFR SSEA-1, Sca-1, CXCR-4, CD-34
Alkaline phosphatase activity high level high level
Telomerase activity high mTRT expression ?
“Stemness” gene expression Oct-3/4, Nanog, Sox-2, Klf-2, Klf-5, Klf-4, GDF-3, Rex-1, Ecat-1, Stat-3, Fox-D3, Vasa, Shall-4, Dax-1, Esrrb, Esg-1, Tbx-3, Tcl-1, Rif-2, Nac-1, Zfp-281, Dppa-3 Oct-3/4, Nanog, Sox-2, Rex-1, Klf-2, Klf-5, Ecat-1, Esrrb, Tbx-3, Blimp-1, c-Met, Fragilis, Ki67, Mrf-4, Msx-1, Myf-5, MyoD, Nesitn, Pax-3, Pax-7, Spry-1
Genetic/Epigenetic properties demethylation of Oct-3/4, Rex-1, Nanog promoters ?
Genetic stability stable, maintain normal karyotype stable, normal diploid; at high passages trisomy for chromosome 5
Bivalent chromatin structure yes ?
Embryoid body formation yes yes
Ectoderm differentiation β-Tubulin-III, Mtap-2, Ncam-1, Nestin, Pax-6, Sox-1, Gfap, Olig-1, Olig-2 β-Tubulin-III, Mtap-2, Nestin, Olig-1, Olig-2
Endoderm differentiation Bmp-4, Cytokeratins, Hnf-4, Somatostatin Afp
Mesoderm differentiation α-Cardiac actin, Gata-4, Brachyury, Myh-6/7, Nppa, Myf-5, MyoD Brachyury, α-Smooth muscle actin, Myh-6/7, Desmin, Myogenin
In vivo criteria
Chimera formation yes yes/no
カテゴリー: 最新医学知識 パーマリンク