川村クリニック千葉市 緑区 あすみが丘 土気駅前すぐ 内科・胃腸科 楽な鼻から胃カメラ(経鼻内視鏡検査)の川村クリニック
■院長の役に立つ話  〜ヘルパーT細胞と抗原提示細胞〜 一覧へ戻る
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The cells of the body not only face the danger of invading bacteria, viruses, and the spread of cancer cells.

And also face the danger of the innappropriate action of immune cells which might indiscriminately attack cells of the body and cause an autoimmune disease.

To address the second concern, cells of the immune system need to be activated by other cells of the immune system.

And this allows for checks and balances approach if B lymphocytes were to react gainst self or cytotoxic T cells were to react against self.

They would not have negative effect on the body if they needed the permission of a helper cell before they could be activated.

And so T helper cells are final as permission to give out.

Without the cytokines, local hormones that they could produce, B cells do not produce the plasma cells which would produce the anitbodies against potential targets nor cytotoxic T cells destroy cells which they heve engaged.

In the same way, T helper cells need to receive permission before they can be activated and then stimulate other parts of the immune sysytem.

Antigen presenting cells such as dendritic cells, macrophages, and B lymphocytes in just own antigens process then, and attach tight to MHC two proteins which then bring these foreign anitigens to the cell surface.

T lymphocyts see that the MHC two proteins of immune cell have found in antigen and then the anitgen presenting cell can stimulate T helper cells with interleukin.

Thus, T helper cell is now activated and it can then activate othe components of the immune system such as B lymphocyts and cytotoxic T cells.

And so not only are T helper cells required to give permission to other components of the immune system.

Also T helper cells must receive permission by antigen presenting cells before they can be activated.












