川村クリニック千葉市 緑区 あすみが丘 土気駅前すぐ 内科・胃腸科 楽な鼻から胃カメラ(経鼻内視鏡検査)の川村クリニック
■院長の役に立つ話  〜脅威となりつつあるMERS最新情報〜 一覧へ戻る
MERS(マーズと読む)とは、Middle East Respiratory Syndromeの略のことだ。この感染症は、重症急性呼吸器症候群(SARS、サーズと読む)の原因であるSARSコロナウイルスに似たコロナウイルス(ベータ型)で、2012年にイギリスロンドンで確認された(WIKI)。現在、この感染症が隣りの韓国で大流行している。以下のニュースでMERS最新情報を得ることができそうだ。是非聴いて、今後の参考にして欲しい。
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All the number of new infections is 5 that brings the total to 30 that includes one man who traveled from South Korea against medical advice to China and is now in quarantine in China.

Now one of those 5 new infections is a tertiary infection.

That means that person was not infected directly by the man who came back from Middle East with this virus, but was infected by one of the other people that he infected.

There are 3 such confirmed cases and that’s something that the authorities here are very concerned about, making sure if they can that they restrict the source of infections to the largest extent possible because if they transition between several generations, If you like of infection and that makes it far more difficult to control.

So far, more than 1300 people in quarantine either at home or in hospital, just over a hundred of those people are in hospital.

The government isn’t saying which hospitals are being used in this way because they don’t want to spread concern.

However it is proving fertile ground for rumor, lots of rumors flying around on social networks, naming hospitals saying, “don’t go to this hospital”.

One hospital even launching legal action against such rumors and parents becoming concerned about they’re telling principles, schools near hospitals which have been named in this way to close their schools down, 209 schools closed down in this fashion, in most of those in Gyeonggi Province which is the province that surrounds the capital.
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